国家主権は責任を意味し、人々を保護する責任は国家自身にある。内戦などにより、民衆が深刻な被害を受けており、かつその国家がそれを回避したり防止しようとしない、またはすることができないときに、国際社会全体が当該国家の保護を受けるはずの人々について「保護する責任」を負うという概念を指す。紛争の原因に取り組む「予防する責任」、紛争状態に対応する「対応する責任」、復興、和解への支援を提供する「再建する責任」の 3 つの要素を包む。
Responsibility to Protect
A nation state’s sovereignty comes with the responsibility to protect its citizens. Responsibility to Protect refers to the notion that, when a nation cannot protect its citizens from violence and persecution such as civil war, the international community has “the responsibility to protect” those people. The responsibility has three aspects. The responsibility to prevent: to address the causes of conflicts, the responsibility to react: to deal with conflict situations, the responsibility to rebuild: to provide assistance with reconstruction and reconciliation.
Peacekeeping Operations(PKO)
Peacekeeping Operations are measures taken by the United Nations to keep peace in conflict areas. The United Nations has built bridges between the parties to conflicts and monitored ceasefire agreements and withdrawals of troops to help settle conflicts. After the Cold War, however, as the United Nations has come to play a greater role, its peacekeeping operations have diversified because the international community has had to deal with new types of conflicts. In the past, it had only to tackle conflicts within a country’s borders, but it now needs to deal with mixed types of conflicts between internal and international ones.